In the course of working with Java, I’ve occasionally been surprised by some behavior around numbers. This page collects the cases of that which I have found most noteworthy. These aren’t bugs. They’re documented and (presumably) intentional choices by the Java language developers. I just find them counter-intuitive.

The intValue method

The Number class provides a set of type conversion functions, including intValue, the documentation for which says “may involve rounding or truncation”. This is, perhaps, a bit understating the case. The documentation for the Long implementation of intValue describes it as a “narrowing primitive conversion”, and directs the reader to the Java Language Specification (it’s always a fun time when you find yourself reading the actual language specification.) The spec defines a narrowing primitive conversion on integral types as follows:

A narrowing conversion of a signed integer to an integral type T simply discards all but the n lowest order bits, where n is the number of bits used to represent type T. In addition to a possible loss of information about the magnitude of the numeric value, this may cause the sign of the resulting value to differ from the sign of the input value.

For values in the normal range of an integer (that is, -2^31 to 2^31 - 1), this behaves in an expected way - it just returns that integer. For values outside of that range, I find the behavior surprising to the point of uselessness. For example, Long.MIN_VALUE.intValue() == 0 while Long.MAX_VALUE.intValue() == -11.

To make matters worse, Double.intValue() also performs a “narrowing primitive conversion”, but that means something different when moving between floating point types and integral types. You can read the full spec from the link above (it’s too long to quote), but the upshot is that out of range floating point conversions saturate the integer. So by routing through Double, we get what I consider more accurate results: Double.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE).intValue() == Integer.MAX_VALUE.

To me, the way the behavior varies between Long and Double makes intValue an untrustworthy method. A function accepting a Number should not have to care what implementation of Number it was passed, but without that information the behavior of intValue is, essentially, undefined.

Floating Point Negative Zero

The IEEE standard for floating points (IEEE-754) allows for negative zeros. It also specifies that, in general, the two zeros should compare as equal. Java honors this, with ==, <=, >=, etc all doing the right thing. However, Double.equals() does not follow this convention. This behavior is documented, if it occurs to you to go read the docs for Double.equals(). The given reason for this is to allow hash tables to operate properly, and indeed it is consistent with Double.hashCode() (as one would expect). I don’t know why they didn’t write Double.hashCode() such that negative and positive zero hash to the same value though.

I should also note that the documentation in Java 17 is much clearer on this point, and appears at the top of the Double class docs rather than just on the Double.equals() method.

Square root and pow also behave inconsistently with regard to negative zero. The docs specify that Math.sqrt(-0d) == -0.0, but pow(-0d, 0.5) == 0.0. This may be documented in the tangled mess of edge cases that the pow documentation attempts to explain, but I still find the inconsistency surprising. As far as I am aware, this is the only value x such that sqrt(x) != pow(x, 0.5) in java.

  1. The max and min value constants are actually primitive longs, so this doesn’t compile without boxing them. I’ve left that out for ease of reading. ↩︎